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Monday, 12 January 2015

The Ordinary Papers - Saatchi Collection/Angel DO!





A poet’s personal journal and individualistic style of expression!
Disobedient of literary rules!
Respectful to expressionism!
The passage of an individual at a certain date and time!

Introducing exclamation poetry!
Flowing naturally in creation!
No grammatical rules or traditional presentation!

A freedom of being!
No resistance to any emotion, thought or feeling!
Allowing everything to emerge and merge with the moment of living!

There are those that within creativity, their out pouring and output of creative works in all forms never ends.
Organised, and on point to each deadline!
No hesitation or question of procrastination!
The agonised emotion or free from pain inspiration is openly, and easily formed into expression

To feel unable yet able to do!
(locked out of the written flow, writer block emerges)
Instead an image interprets the unwritten word.
The inability to express  emotional fear of the moment!
Comfort from the imagination translates into the creation of a being as a symbol!
The long known term of Angel!
Represented here is a contemporary angel.
The Angel of “DO” who transcends the usual 

   I am going to watch you threw!
….an energy belief that someone does not want me to do!
Date: 02/04/2014            Time: 21:46                   Location: London

Despite Flow!

As this image emerged so did the message.

To interpret the entire meaning of poetry and image, by being able to stay open to the creative process in many forms. 

The personal moment, was of wanting to achieve so much, yet the energy, the emotional connection, direction, focus needed to be functional and consistent continued to be evasive, and intermittent.

The frustration of not being able to constantly express through verse, phrase merged into a shut down, of ones creative source.

Yet in doing so - opened up another passage.

To spend time observing a personal response to meditative sounds. 

Paying attention to sensation in response to music, tones, and frequency.

Concentrating on  tension and release as impact of sound is made on the body.

Teaching ways of release.

Natural Flowism!

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