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Sunday 29 March 2020

I Just Wanted to do Sundays!

I wanted to do Sundays
You know....
Proper Sundays
I live in East London for goodness sake
I wanted to be able to do Sundays
I wanted to be able to do Sundays
Wear the Sunday pile
Don't people dress different on Sundays?
What might be or turn out as the fluffy miss matched socks and other clothes bundle just found at the back of the cupboard and slung together before for going out
(Pre-corona virus lockdown-03/2020)
I had wanted to do Sundays
Flowers in rustic markets
Breakfast and a cheese toastie
Then for lunch
The best meatless meal ever?
Crispy fried eggs
Red Sauce...and baked till fried red skinned potatoes which crisp together into a large rosti without actually being the actual recipe because they had been cooked in preheated oil in the oven
I wanted to do Sundays
A proper Sunday
Filled with release and freedom
Reflective of carefree living
Which gives room to the freedom for personal  responsibility to be taken giving rise to the motivation needed to overcome the constant undercurrent of subtle taunts and attacks of someone else's selfish jealous dis-ease and lies about what they thought you ought to have become.

I wanted to do Sundays
I wanted to do what Sundays means to me!
I just wanted to do Sundays!
I am just so thankful and so grateful to just be able to do Sundays as me!

Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!